foam monument before finishing
Monument Foam Sign Church
Pho stone monument
pho marble monument

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Carlsbad Signs


(Based on 11 Client Reviews)

Client Review

If I could give more than five (5) stars, I would!
Shopping Mall Message Center
Shopping Mall Message Center

“If I could give more than five (5) stars, I would! My experience with Signs for San Diego was nothing less than exceptional from start to finish. As a Project Manager for one of Gable’s largest clients, I expect our vendors to deliver high-quality product and/or services.”

Jessica Wurtzer​

Sign Types

Client Review

These guys did a phenomenal job
Custom Lobby Signs
Custom Lobby Signs

These guys did a phenomenal job on a lobby sign for my husband’s dental practice it turned out better then we could have imagined.

Frank and his team were efficient and very helpful even though we were indecisive about exactly what we wanted. They showed us many samples at their facility and did a pre-design to make sure we were happy. They were also extremely professional and efficient with installation.

If you are looking for any kind of sign service I highly recommend going with these guys!

Darlene G.

Businesses Served

Where are foam core monument signs used?

We install these in a lot of places, but most of them are; Residential areas. Multifamily housing monuments, Housing development monuments, apartment complex monuments, Condo monuments and more. They reason is simple. These monuments add an old world look and feel of stability. These foam core monuments are also used in

Residential Monument Sign
Residential Monument Sign

professional businesses and historic districts. Doctors offices, legal firms, accounting firms and the like.

Monument Sign San Marcos Manor

What are foam monument signs?

These monuments are made with a core and layers. The core is an impact resistant, maintenance-free EPS foam-core. EPS is Expanded PolyStyrene. This is not the foam most people think about, it is widely used is the automotive market because of its outstanding shock-absorbing performance and long term stability.Expanded PolyStyrene (EPS) is a white or gray foam plastic produced from beads of polystyrene. The “expanded” part is the closed cell air.  Think of it as a car bumper in the shape of a monument.  One can make a lot of shapes, Where a mason is very limited by what can be done with brick and mortar, foam blocks have no such limitations, It is a much more versatile material.  The layers are a hard coat synthetic stucco, that seals the monument. The stucco also lets us give you any “look” you want. This is more durable than traditional stucco and will outlast it. The last layer is paint.

What are the advantages of foam core monument signs?

foam monument before finishing 

The biggest advantage is the ability to get an old world masonry look without the expense and complexities of stone or brick monuments. Being light weight, the shape can be more stylish, the monument thicker and bigger and the work all done in a shop with a controlled environment.  The results are often so good that is a side by side comparison most prefer the foam core monument over the traditional monument with natural stone or brick. It is impact resistant. There are stories about cars hitting these monuments and the monument suffering little damage while the concrete footing is destroyed. They are durable. The more important advantage is they cannot crake are the earth settles or there is a minor earthquake. In addition, the footings do not need to be massive, unlike a traditional monument. The end result is a monument that will outlast any conventional masonry monument

How are they made?

Each monument starts with one or two PVC pipes. These are for mounting during installation and match a steel pipe that will be inserted later. Blocks of foam are positioned to create the architectural features you desire, arcs, the shape of stones, or bricks or turnings are adhered. At this point if you want to add lighting into the structure, the passages for the wiring need to be added. Also, stucco is not the ideal material for changeable lettering. A hard mounting area under the face is used – this is normally marine grade plywood so we can mount letters or an entire face latter.  If you want the lettering in the stucco, we can make letters that stand out or are recessed in at this time. Once the desired shape is constructed any filler or prep is done and the entire sign is stucco sprayed, normally twice with a synthetic stucco. This produces a gray monument ready for paint.

Color and the look

pho stone finish on a monument sign
pho stone finish on a monument sign

Once fully cured, the project is then top-coated with an additional layer of synthetic stucco. The white, gray, brown or other color can be added at this point. The final stucco layer provides a professional appearance that requires no maintenance. 


When there are the shape of bricks, stone or quarried marble needs color. These shapes are better and more consistent than the real thing. We paint these and add the highlights you really want. Natural materials have defects, the textures are not consistent, the colors and variations are often random. All of these issue are solved with an artist and brush. The result is a look that is nearly always better than the natural materials they emulate.  We use a Custom Color Match system from Matthews paint and can match any color. We can also use any color from major paint manufacturer like Dunn Edwards, Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams. Trim and base colors are added at this time. The result is a striking monument sign


Changing faces and text

monument face
monument face

The purpose of any monument sign is to mark or brand the building, business, residential development, church or other entity. During the construction of the monument there are 2 lettering options. The letters can be Recessed or Raised. Recessed means the letters are “cut” into the flat face of the monument. Raised means the letters are on top on the face. These are the two common ways, but these are not the only ways. A panel on standoffs can be used. This has a number of advantages. Panels can be switched out as tenants change. The panel can be clear or colored. The panel can also be dimensional, that is the letters are cut and installed over the panel or vinyl. During the construction we can design and make an illuminated sign cabinets inside the recessed face area. This means we can light the letters at night.

Want a monument that has a eye-catching classic look,  

Carlsbad Signs Logo

Want a monument that has a eye-catching classic look, that is easier to install, more varied and will outlast any conventional masonry monument? Foam core monuments are the way to go. Carlsbad’s Signs is the source for foam core monument signs. You can rest assured our team of professional expert sign staff will help you design, made and install the prefect monument sign for you. call us for a free consultation today (760) 599-6537




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Monument Bristol Cove Foam finished
Carlsbad Signs